Saturday, January 5, 2013

Indahnya Bahasa

Pada 22hb Disember 2012, saya mendaftar dan mulai mengikuti kelas terjemahan di Persatuan Penterjemah Malaysia. Teruja kerana sudah lama tidak bergelar pelajar dan kali ini pula untuk belajar bahasa. Saya sangat minat dengan bahasa dan sejak di bangku sekolah, saya hanya dapat keputusan yang cemerlang bagi subjek Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris. Di universiti pun, saya gembira belajar bahasa. Yang lain-lain sederhana sahaja.
Sungguhlah ilmu Allah ini amat luas. Selama ini mempelajari bahasa, saya rasa ia amat mudah. Mungkin kerana saya minat membaca dan suka dengan lenggok bahasa yang indah. Tetapi di kelas kali ini, saya rasa macam balik ke alam sekolah menengah. Terlalu banyak perkara baru yang dipelajari dan perlu difahami. Bukan mudah untuk menjadi penterjemah yang baik kerana perlu peka dengan banyak perkara berkaitan bahasa.
Perlu tahu morfologi. Perlu pandai menggunakan tatabahasa dan sintaksis yang betul (ohh, apakah semua itu?). Perlu faham peristilah dan ejaan yang betul. Gaya bahasa, pemilihan perkataan dan istilah yang sesuai dengan teks yang hendak diterjemah..dan macam-macam lagi. Hari ini kami belajar laras bahasa dan membuat terjemahan secara langsung di dalam kuliah. Teks yang diberi nampak mudah untuk difahami, tetapi memerlukan kepakaran untuk diterjemah. Pensyarah kami menekankan bahawa orang yang selalu menggunakan bahasa rojak sebenarnya tidak menguasai kedua-dua bahasa. Hmmm..macam saya la tu!
Ini baru permulaan. Saya tak sabar nak belajar topik-topik lain yang seterusnya. Saya akan bertemankan Kamus Dewan yang beratnya hampir sama dengan berat saya, dan kamus-kamus lain yang disarankan. Saya akan lebih sering menghadap komputer untuk "Google" ilmu bahasa. Saya akan tambah kesibukan saya yang sudah hampir maksimum sekarang ini demi menguasai ilmu  bahasa yang indah.
Untuk lembaran ini, saya kira saya berjaya menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia sepenuhnya. Mungkin nampak macam sangat "belia" atau "minah skema". Sebenarnya saya juga berperasaan yang sama, tapi sesekali apa salahnya ;-)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Where I wanna be... I really miss this holy place. I wish I could be there again soon to devote my time, my heart and soul to Allah. That's where I wanna be again. No word can describe the feeling when I first stepped my two feet in Masjidil Haram...when I walked inside the heart was beating so fast. Masya Allah...then I realised I was walking faster and faster, and my eyes searching for the Holy Kaabah!! I've seen it on tv, I've seen it in pictures. Please Allah..let me see it now, here..

That's it! When my eyes caught the view of Kaabah, my tears started rolling down my cheeks. Alhamdulillah..Here I am ya Allah. Here I am, for You..only for YOU.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lost and Found

I lost it and finally I found it back. For over a year, I walked through that path looking for it. So dark that I could not see the far end, but I kept walking and searching. Many times I looked back, contemplating to stop and turn. Many times I stumbled and fell on my knees. Indeed it was dark, and all I could hear was my own breath and tears. I couldn't see it but I felt it so close to me. And so I kept walking through the darkness.

I lost it and thought I could never find it back. I lost myself for far too long that I never I thought I could be here again. Alhamdulillah, the darkness didn't kill me. What I've lost I've now found. Surely it was dark, but I was holding my heart with me while searching for my soul. It's all with the mercy of Allah the Almighty.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Listen to My Heart..

Ya Allah The Almighty..
I have gone through so much pain and sadness. 3 MONTHS have passed...but the pain is still there. The hurt is so unbearable and the frustration is too much for this weak heart and soul. Puas mencari kekuatan, tapi kekecewaan juga yang bertandang.

I have not been my normal self for uncountable days. Every second is pain, pain and pain. I have tried to find in my heart to forgive and forget, but this human called ME is so full with revenge, anger, hatred, sadness, frustrations...and nothing is able to change that yet. Wanting to go away, but my life is here. I'm taking my own ways to deal with this tsunami. I'm hurting myself more, just to be strong in the eyes of the others.

Ya Allah,
Ampunkan aku kerana menjadi hamba yang kecewa dan penuh sesalan. Sesak jiwa menahan duka, tapi apakan daya.. Although this is not the best thing to do, but this is the best I can do..for now. Please..Ya Allah..please do not stop pouring your love and guidance upon me. I'm certainly not a good slave of Yours. I've let myself drown in the test that YOU have given.

Somehow, in this broken heart of mine, I know.. that I can turn to you for the ETERNAL LOVE.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hong Kong 18-21 Feb 2011

Alright, this was 4 months back.. It was definitely one of the most beautiful family vacation we've ever had. Everyone of us had a great time and we're still talking and dreaming about it...

The 4 days 3 nites trip was just right, not too long nor too short for us to complete the places of highlights in Hong Kong. Disneyland, Ocean Park, The Peak, Soho & the longest escalator, the night markets, Avenue of Stars...hmm what else ya..?

The hotel was good, we took two rooms at Dorsett Seaview Hotel and yeah, it was close to everything. Even the nite market was just behind our hotel, making it so impossible not to go down and SHOP!! Food was not a problem despite being our biggest worries at first. We had nasi beriyani & roti nan everyday without fail. It is pricey, of course..every meal would be about RM100 -130 for the 5 of us but's worth it! Sedap and guaranteed halal... there were many halal restaurants near Kowloon Mosque ;-) Seven11 is everywhere along the streets, so setakat nak beli mineral water, chocolates or problemo..

The best part: Their public transportation was fantastic and way...way ahead of Malaysia. Their MTR system was just amazing, it connects you to basically every part of Hong Kong. Naik bus pun senang, and all those moving around were made easier as we had the Octopus Cards. So easy and convenient that you can hardly see the Hong Kong people driving. Jalan tak sesak macam KL...where most people terpaksa drive sebab public transportation TERUK!! Resulting to scenes where we can see dalam satu kereta hanya ada 1 orang inside it, that's the driver himself. Mana jalanraya tak sesak...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Picture 1:My swolen ankle...
Picture 2:This is after the plaster treatment by Dr. Mazlan, the orthopaedic at KPJ Kajang.

I really hope with all my heart that my ankle will be fully healed by the time we remove the plaster@cement next week (30th June). I need to be back on my feet again for our honeymoon.. tersangat la tak cool kalau kena ronda Amsterdam pakai tongkat ;-)

Tragedi di Jakarta

Masya Allah...this trip to Jakarta has left me with 1001 memories indeed. On May 17th (that was a public holiday - Wesak Day), I took the last AirAsia flight to Jakarta for another working trip.

Upon arriving Jakarta Airport pun something has gone wrong already. Pak Boni (our Jakarta office driver) who was supposed to fetch me did not turn up at all. After my 20th (I counted..) attempt to call him, baru la dia angkat dgn terkejut beruknya when I said I have waited for almost an hour. So to cut the story short, I had to take a taxi to my hotel...

Masa check in, the reception girl said that they are going to upgrade my room to a Triple Executive Room. Mmm, what on earth for? I'll be alone, girl... uh, never mind. No time for further questions...i'm too tired for that now.

So, that nite..untuk menghilangkan cuak di hati..I slept on the King bed and my luggage slept on that single bed :-)

Pak Boni picked me up from the hotel...beratus2 kali he apologised for not waiting at the airport. He said, he will be scolded if the bosses knew about this. Kenapa pulak nak marah Pak Boni kalau message untuk menjemput tidak sampai? Seems that ada miscommunication among them about my arrival. Kesian sungguh tengok Pak Boni...I felt sorry for him walaupun semalam memang la bengang. So I decided not to tell anyone in the office what happened. I gave my widest & most sincere smile and that helped me through with lots of work done!

After work, after being told that Pak Boni dah stand by kat I went. Keluar je dari lift together with the rest of the people (ramai jugak..time balik office, kan), I headed straight to the lobby. Masa nak turun tangga tu, entah macam mana...agghhhhh....AKU JATUH!!! OMG, at first tak rasa apa2..just terkejut & bingung...blurr, terkulat2. Then I realised, my left shoe is gone!! Haaa? Mana dia kasutku? "Ibu nggak apa-apa? Bisa bangun? Kasutnya..di bawah mobil itu.." Errr...i heard a lady's voice asking, but didn't have the "face" to even look. I said "I'm ok. Thanks so much. Terima kasih ya, buk.." Then this guy got out of his car and helped me to get the shoe from underneath his car. Maaaaak, malunya...

Maka bermula la episod kesakitanku. That night, I was in so much pain that I cried, and cried and couldn't close my eyes to catch any sleep. I was so sure that I broke my ankle!

Pagi, I moved from my bed to the toilet, then to get dressed on the study chair. Nasib baik ada that chair ada wheels... and I almost crawled to breakfast. Instead of taking my food (buffet, kan), the waiters helped me get my food & juices. Didn't eat much, though.. And when Pak Boni finally came to fetch me, I was limping all the way.

At the office, Rini suggested that we go for urut. She knows someone near her house who can massage. But before that we decided to go to the hospital to check if there's any fractures at all. Alhamdulillah...the xray shows no broken bones or fractures. From the hospital, we went straight to Pak Abbas' house in Cililitan, a small town in Jakarta Timur. Pak Abbas and his wife were very kind. The massage was not so painful as it was done so professionally..Kruuup... kraaaap.. haha...macam tu la bunyi bila Pak Abbas membetulkan my sendi2 yang terpeleot tuh!! Pak Abbas said "Minta pada Allah ya..supaya sembuh. Saya tidak bisa, hanya Allah yang bisa menyembuhkan.." He's such a humble person..may Allah bless him all the time for his good deeds. After thanking them both, we headed to Rini's house to get some ginger paste to wrap my ankle. Pak Abbas said that will help to heal the swollen ankle faster.

As we reached Rini's house, her mum was already grinding the ginger. After a warm hello to each other, she quickly pasted the ginger paste onto my ankle and wrapped it with a white cloth. Alhamdulillah...I met all these nice people at a place so far from home. They have all been so kind, caring and helpful although we have never met before. I'm so deeply touched with the love they have...sedih bila ingat that I may not be seeing them again...

It's my last day here. I'll be taking the last flight home. Alhamdulillah, somehow I have completed a big chunk of my work during this short and "tragic" visit.. Thanks to Ibu Ida and Ibu Fira for treating me to a great Japanese lunch at Sushigroove. Ibu Fira insisted to drive although the restaurant is only a walking distance away ;-)

When we touched down at LCCT, kena turun tangga plane!! Ouhh.. ouhh..1 step, 2 step..ouhh..

I did it. But then...terus terkelepot...dah tak boleh jalan dah. The next thing I knew, I was on a wheelchair....and was pushed all the way through the custom, picked up the luggage, to the taxi ticketing counter and..until I boarded the taxi... I must say BRAVO to AirAsia for having such great staff & such a great service.

Am so happy to be home kids were waiting at the gate when arrived. Z was away in Terengganu when I reached home. But he called several times that night to say that he loves me.. ;-)

Dalam hati ada bunga..